Curso Internacional Gene Editing and ART in mice
Noticias 07 December 2022La Unidad de Biotecnología de Animales de Laboratorio del Institut Pasteur de Montevideo está organizando el Curso "Latest Advances in Genome Editing and ART Technologies in Laboratory Mice". En Montevideo, Uruguay, entre el 15 y el 19 de mayo de 2023.
Martina Crispo, Geraldine Schlapp and María Noel Meikle (Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay)
Marcello Raspa (National Research Council – IBBC, Rome, Italy), Andrés Muro and Serena Zacchigna (ICGEB Trieste, Italy)
Contact: cursos@pasteur.edu.uy
Web: https://www.icgeb.org/genome-editing-and-art-technologies-course-uruguay-2023/
This course will be focused in the latest advances in genome editing and cryopreservation in mice, using the novel CRISPR/Cas tool and its variants and modifications. Participants will have the opportunity to spend five days on lectures and hands-on training with national and international expert speakers. We expect to create a scientist’s network to exchange experience, questions, information and training all around Latin America and the rest of the world.
Topics will include:
• Genome editing
• Cryopreservation
• Model design and genetic analysis
• Technicians and posgraduate students are highly encouraged to participate
• Twenty students from the region and the world will be selected for the practical sessions
• Theoretical sessions will be streamed by zoom for all registered participants
• A limited number of grants covering travel cost and accommodation will be provided for selected technicians and students who are nationals of ICGEB Member States
Online application: https://isg.icgeb.org/auth/login
Deadline 10 January 2023