Lab Products
Building upon decades of continuous innovation and refinement of laboratory animal housing technology, RAIR HD Ventilated Racks set a new standard for performance, reliability, quality and economical operation, with the greatest rodent housing flexibility available.
Select from more than 60 standard RAIR HD models. Consider designs for housing just mice or rats exclusively and Species-Flexible™ designs to house all your rats, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs. You can even have racks that accept different cage sizes, without making any changes to your racks.
House up to 198 ventilated cages for mice per mobile rack, with very low energy use. Energy saving RAIR Enviro-Gard™ HEPA Filtered Air Units are smaller, lighter, quieter and mount within the ventilated rack footprint to conserve floor space. Connect your racks “directly” with building HVAC systems without requiring costly airflow control devices.
Assure the well-being of your animals, personnel and studies with Micro-Isolator® cage performance the biomedical research community has come to expect from Lab Products, for almost 40 years.
Be sure to download the Ventilated Products Guide for more details.
- Negative Pressure Rack Containing Positive Cages
- AllerZone™ Control of Airborne Allergens
- Independently Tested & Certified
- Low Energy Usage, 13-24 Watts per Rack
- Precise Airflow Balance, Cage to Cage (+/- 1 ACH)
- Airflow Remains Stable for Any Number of Cages
- Self-Calibrating, Plug and Play Rack Certification
- *NIST Certified Cage Air Docks
- Micro-Isolator® – Effective during Power Loss
- Watering: Hydropac®, Bottled or Auto-Watering
*Cage Air Docks are National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Certified for Orifice Precision, Balanced and Controlled Airflow.